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Diablo 2 Max Block Calculator

Diablo 2 Max Block Calculator
  1. Diablo 2 Max Block Calculator 1

Dueling TipsIf u are into dueling i suggest u be a Amazon or a sorceress. You will have to get them to level 30 to get them really good at dueling. If u choose an Amazon i suggest u get the level 12 spell multi arrow and upgrade it a lot till u get lots of arrows going at once. If u pick an Amazon u can also use the level 24 strafe if u are into free for all matches this will hit multi targets and every time u upgrade it u gain damage to strafe u could also use level 30 spell freezing arrow it does not shoot multi that is the weakness the good spot of freezing arrow is it freezes ur target that's what i have to say about the Amazon. The Sorceress with a sorceress master the one spell on level 30 called frozen orbs once you've mastered that go into a dueling game and kick some butt. But with both and Amazon and a sorceress u have to have a good mana level as other cheats say the Amazon would be the best if it had I higher mana level sorceress will not have a problem with mana. A sorceresses weakness is its not able to use good armor because of its low level of strength.

The Diablo 2 cycle. Question Max block or life for a windy Druid? But getting to max block with spirit will take an obscene amount of dex. Bolty published his findings in Diablo II: LoD Beta Report #1 Instead, the chance to block is given by (Block. (Dex - 15)) / (Level. 2) Block indicates blocking chance shown item, Dex indicates player's dexterity, Level indicates player's level There is a minimum chance.

Barbarian Character HelpWhen the barbarian starts he only has a axe and buckler. This may be the best starting weapons of the game, but he can do much more. Every character except for the barbarian doesn't have the ability to master in any weapons class. When you start gaining levels with you barbarian make sure to put 5 or 6 skill points into all masteries so when you find any weapon( except bows, spears, and javelins )you can use them effectually. When you reach the 5 act( bonus act) you will be in the late 20's range for levels.

Put all skill points possible(20) into natural Resistances. If you do this when you reach nightmare level in the 1st act you wont be in the negative range for resistances.

The barbarian also has a skill called Combat orders, I would give this skill an B+. It is extremely affective as it shows all nearby enemy's and also raises your defense by 250%. In my opinion the sword is the best weapon in the game as there are so many verities of them.

In my own game in nightmare, my barbarian has a level 15 sword mastery. That means that every sword that he picks up does an excess of 150 damage. With the skill leap attack it does another 357%. So even with a normal sword my barbarian does around 196-268 damage per hit. It is also increased by Dexterity which helps my accuracy greatly. Right at the moment i could kill a level 40 with 10 hits. Take On the Druid- TANK1.

Alternate between assigning 5 points to vitality and then 5 points to strength at each skill level. The Goal here is to have your vitality and strength within 5 points of each other until you reach level 20.By this time, you will really need some points in dexterity to improve your attack rating.2.I would suggest that you are very frugal with your points in energy. My level 34 druid only needs about 40 energy to recast all of his pets and change forms.3.The skills that you want to focus on are lycanthropy and werbear. Put one skill into werewolf so that the points that you are spending on lycanthropy are not wasted while you wait to qualify for werebear.4.Even though werebear and werewolf are both melee skills, remember that your attacks are still determined by the weapons that you hold, so make sure you have high damage weapons!! Your best friend here is the maul; Druids have a fast attack rate when using the maul, werewolf is even faster but werebear really shines when using it.5.

The skills Maul and Hunger when in werebear form are devastating. You will find that u can kill most creatures in one hit. This makes up for the werebears slow attack speed.6.One of the most important skills that effects your hit points is the summoning skill, Oaksage.

This skill increases the health of you and your party members making it a great mid game skill. However, it becomes more important for you to have bonus attack rating called spirit of the wolverine by the middle of actlV and early of actV.7. By the time you reach level 30 you will be ready to learn 'spirit of the barbs' this skill grants you your pets and your party members a skill similar to the paladins thorns aura. If you have a lot of hit points you will be well served by this pet.

Even the deadly monsters in ActV, egardless of the armor you wear, become a lot less terrifying.DO NOT PUT ANY POINTS INTO ELEMENTAL SKILLS WHEN CREATING A TANK. DurielEveryone says Duriel is so hard for the druid or any other character, well I found it very easy with my level 20 Druid. Before you go in there, make sure you have a lot of town portal scrolls. Then raise all the creatures you can (go for the ones with the most hit points) also make sure you have a lot of mana potions and Arctic blast.


I had Arctic blast at 5 at the time but it will work with lower levels too. Go into the tomb of tal Rasha. Duriel will instantly be on you. Run out of the way and let him go for your minions (you should also have a high level mercenary) while he is trying to killing them blast him with arctic blast. HOLD DOWN THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (or the left, depending on which arctic blast is on. WHen all your minions/mercenaries die immediately use a town portal scroll and go to town.


Get mana/rejuv potions and summon all you minions. Also go to Griez and re hire your mercenary. Go back to him and repeat. I killed him in 5 trips. (After wards he gave me the unique Treads of Cton, a very powerful pair of boots. Pros and Cons of CharactersYou can never say that a class is 'perfect'.

Here are the pros and cons of each class:Barbarians have a super high strength and vitality, meaning they won't get tired easily. Their great strength is an advantage towards armor and weapons.


However, they won't be able to do their skills frequently because of their low level of mana. They also can't hit using bows or crossbows.Necromancers have an equal level of dexterity and energy. They can use a bow and arrow or crossbow and bolt with ease. But their weak strength makes them impossible to use strong armors or weapons, making them vulnerable to any melee attacks.

They make it up in their strong magic and free alliance.Sorceresses have super strong magic that will either work in long or short ranges. Their only drawback is that their weak strength and vitality make them unable to run in long distances or wear powerful armor.Amazons, like what the computer describes them, is a versatile fighter. Their great strength, vitality and dexterity is no match for Diablo's minions. If only they have a high mana level, they would become the most powerful class in Diablo II history.Paladins have an advantage towards the undead and demons.

Their ability to use any mace class weapons make Radament look like an idiot. Even their Zeal skill will make Diablo look stupid. Their only drawback is their mana is low, so you can't use Zeal immediately when you get to level 12.Druids, which has a skill of necromancy and sorcery, will make it one of the most complicated characters to train. Har har, you say. Well, since its their vitality, and not their energy or their dexterity, is their highest attribute, it will be very difficult to master all its skills.Assassins never go around undefended.

Their skills can be mastered anytime, for their highest attribute is the energy. Using traps and martial arts, you'll only die rarely. Getting More Rare ItemsEquip as much magic find to your character as possible and go kill stuff and open chests, loose rocks, barrels, ect. Also kill Champion and Unique monsters for a better chance of getting good and rare items. If you have 100% or more magic find does not mean you will always get rare items, if you have 100% magic find, then you have 2x better chance of getting good items. Champion, Enchanted, Unique, Super Unique, and Bosses have a higher chance of dropping Rare, Unique, and Set items then regular enemies.

Try getting to a very high level(45+0 and get really good magic find and kill Baal on normal by yourself(So other people cant take your items) a few times, you should get at least 3 rare items if your magic find is very high(150%+). There is NO limit to how much magic find you can have, but sometimes magic find items can be weak. Helping pick a starting characterIn Diablo 2 Lord f Destruction there are 2 new characters, a druid and an Assassin. Joining them are 5 other unique characters each with 30 skills. Each person specializes in different fields of combat.Amazon: An Amazon is good with Bows and Spears. Her 3 skill trees are Spear and Javalin skills, Bows and crossbows and Passive.

Passive offers any were from the ability to increase attack damage to being able to dodge attacks. Bows and Spears skill provide added elemental damage and special attributes.Assassin: An Assassin uses no Magic and Specializes in Martial arts Shadow masteries and traps. An Assassins Martial art skill provides her with close range attacks that charge up damage and then there is a finishing move that releases the charged damage.

The shadow skill provides her the ability to make shadow doubles of her self, use psychic energy to attack and the ability to cloak herself. The traps consist of having a monster walk over it inflicting damage and Sentinels that shoot out elements and ninja stars.barbarian: a barbarian is the best in hand to hand contact. He has the ability to use two handed weapons in one hand. He has combat masteries, Combat skills and War cries. Combat skills increase attack damage and rating of any of the six given weapon classes and increases stamina, defense and resistance.

Combat masteries give the Barbarian fighting moves such as double swing and concentrate.Druid: a new character to the Diablo realm a Druid summons animals he has elemental magic attacks, and he can shape shift.The druid summons animals from the wild such as ravens to grizzly bears and vines. Each has so much life and does damage.

The elemental magic summons the power from the earth. He has Ice wind and Fire. His shapeshifting gives him the ability to turn into a werewolf or a werebear. After those he has fighting abilities only useable in the shifted form. He can't use magic in shifted form but he can summon an animal like his form like in werewolf he can summon a dire wolf.Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction Cheats. How To Level Your CharacterThis is the classic way to level any character. It is slower than getting rushed by other players, but its still fairly effective.STEPS1.

Clear out the Den of Evil.2. Do Tristram runs until you are level 15.3. Do Tomb runs until you are level 20.4. Do Cow Runs until you are level 24.5. Do normal Ancients.6. Do normal Baal runs until you are level 40.7. Get rushed from nightmare act1 to act5.8.

Do nm Ancients.9. Do nm Baal runs until you are level 65.10. Get rushed from hell act1 to act5.11.

Do hell Ancients.12. Do hell Baal runs until your character is leveled to where you see fit.

This depends highly on what you want your in the late game.In almost all cases, you want to hit the 75% block after holy shield (max block) by putting enough dex to get to that point.For smiters and hammerdins, you'll need the minimum strength requirement to wear all the gear you plan to wear. Any points left over should be dumped into vitality (though its arguable for a poorly equipped hammerdin to get some energy).If you plan to go melee oriented, such as a zealer or charger, you'll want some strength instead of all vitality (its a balancing act) for more damage.For both smiters and zealers, it helps a lot if you can find yourself a cheap wand has charges of life tap).

Putting it on bosses and large groups greatly increases survivability. You can try searching shops for one pretty easily (I think on nightmare but its been a while). Enough Strength to equip gear. Enough Dexterity to equip your weapon or achieve 75% blocking (Paladins should almost-always go for max block; holy shield leaves no excuse). All else Vitality.

Nothing in EnergyThis rule will optimally cover about 99% of all possible builds in Diablo II. If you have all your gear ahead of time, you can spend some time with a calculator to figure out how much Strength and Dexterity you need, and just plug the rest in Vitality. I typically do not bother with quite that much planning in a character, so I leave myself a little cushion (either extra points in Str or Dex, or unspent points) until the end of the game when my gear is finalized. (I also don’t like respecs.) Two Major ExceptionsThe only major exceptions to the above rule are glass cannon amazons (who will sacrifice some Vitality for extra Dexterity, purely for the damage) and energy shield sorceresses (who use Energy mostly in place of Vitality, though some Vitality is still absolutely necessary). Importance of VitalityThe reason for this rule is simple: opportunity cost. Vitality gives you Life, and therefore keeps you alive.

It allows you to travel and fight more safely, and reduces the chances of being killed faster than you can react to whatever’s killing you (especially important on Battle.net due to lag issues). The damage you get from Strength is very minor compared to skill bonuses; the bonus from Dexterity isn’t any better but ranged amazons can safely drop some Vitality.

Strength: Obvious minimums, strong incentive to make them the maximumsBut of course, you do want to equip the best weapons/armor, which means you need Strength (even so, equipment with high Strength requirements have that fact counted heavily against them; equipping an Ogre Maul or Myrmidon Greaves requires a lot of forethought). Dexterity: To block or not to block, that is the questionDexterity requirements on most weapons aren’t too high (with bows as a major exception already noted), but blocking is an incredibly valuable option. If you are playing online then you should level-up ASAP.

Levels 1-15 in Tristram, lvl 15-25 in the Tombs(end of Act 2), 25-45 normal Baalruns, at level 45 you go to NM, get to act 5 asap, level up till 75ish on NM baalruns, then go to Hell and repeat Baalruns till you have a decent level and somewhat of a decent gear.Concerning stat points: enough strength to equip all your items, enough dexterity to have 75% block with Holy Shield and all the rest goes to Vitality. That's what my Paladin was when I played Diablo 2.But since patch 1.13 you shouldn't really care about spending points into wrong stats, you can always respec.

Diablo 2 Max Block Calculator 1

You gain that possibility after finishing Den of Evil quest(the very first quest in the game). Even if you used all 3 of them(Normal, NM and Hell) you can always craft a respec potion in a Horadric cube.So try to achieve max block(75%), enough strength for all items(with good items you don't need to waste a single point into strength) and all the rest goes into Vitality. If you don't like it or if you need more strength for items you can always restat:).

Diablo 2 Max Block Calculator